Buru Rehabilitiation Remote Camp

Project Details


Rapid Exploration


JMD Engineering


Buru Rehabilitiation


Pilbara region, Western Australia

Project Information


Exploration rehabilitiation has unique challenges being out in the bush and attempting to reinstate the natural landscape often on some very difficult terrain. Buru uses GPS and drone technology to ensure the final landform is reinstated in a manner to create non-eroding landscapes which promote establishment of natural vegetation.


Rapid Exploration were constructing the camp in wind region B therefore hold down loads were required so the camp could comply with regulations. The remoteness and unknown soil conditions made it essential that the solution was adaptable and the installers were well experience. Screw piles could have been used however the ground was very dense so the amount of work involved was large


JMD engineering designed solutions involving the H range of Hulk Earth Anchors with various assemblies to best suit the asset being secured. The team installed 92 H50 anchors within 5 days, each anchor was proof tested to a maximum load of 3.5T. Installation team encountered dense soil therefore had to pre drill a pilot hole for certain anchors on the construction pad. Anchors were strategically placed to minimise tripping hazards for high traffic areas and to avoid any underground services.


HULK H50 8mm Wire Rope Open End

HULK H50 16mm Threaded Bar